Funded projects

IDPfun2: Integrating novel data, artificial intelligence and molecular behaviour to expand functional characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins. Horizon 2023 call: HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01. Staff exchange. Started Oct. 2024.

Transcriptome-proteome relationship in neutrophils orchestrated by PU.1. With Frank Rosenbauer (University of Münster). DFG. Started Apr. 2024.

High-resolution 4D proteomics and lipidomics platform to decode molecular pathomechanisms of atherothrombosis (diaMs). With Stefan Tenzer and Laura Bindila (JGU). curATime, cluster for Atherothrombosis and individualized medicine. BMBF Clusters4Future. Started Mar. 2023.

Systems-oriented, multi-omics identification of biomarker signatures for atherothrombosis detection, quantification and treatment (BioSignATure). With Philipp Wild and Sebastian Vollmer (DFKI, Kaiserslautern). curATime, cluster for Atherothrombosis and individualized medicine. BMBF Clusters4Future. Started Mar. 2023.

Protonuclei as a platform to study phase behaviour and biological function of arginine/glycine-rich proteins. With Dorothee Dormann and Andreas Walther (JGU). DFG; Collaborative Research Centre 1551: Polymer concepts in cellular function. Started Jan. 2023.

Transcription factor PU.1-controlled stem cell genes in acute myeloid leukemia. Principal investigator: Frank Rosenbauer (University of Münster). DFG; SFB/TRR332 Neutrophils: origin, fate and function. Started July 2022.

Understanding the pathophysiology related to epigenetic modifications in individuals with heart failure / Generating a Population Reference Set for methylation analyses. ReALity Innovation Fund. Started Jul. 2021.

Using grammars to analyze the relation between protein folding and sequence in low complexity regions. With co-applicant Friederike Schmid (Physics, JGU); Mainz Institute of Multiscale Modeling (M3ODEL), Forschungsinitiative des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz. Started Sep. 2020.

Data-Independent Acquisition-based Systems Medicine: Mass spectrometry for high-throughput deep phenotyping of the heart failure syndrome (DIASyM). BMBF. Forschungskernen für Massenspektrometrie in der Systemmedizin (MSCoreSys). First phase Mar. 2020 to Feb. 2023. 2nd phase started Mar. 2023.